Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

MRCR Education would like to wish you a 
Happy Thanksgiving.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Giving Thanks to Education

Thanksgiving day is a few days away.
As we gather with family and friends to give thanks,
let us also give thanks to education.

Thanks to education we can read, we can write, we can cook a turkey right.  Thanks to education we can speak and we can talk, sharing traditions with each other.  Thanks to education it is possible to prepare for the many struggles we may face.  Thanks to education it is possible to think on how to become better and do better.  Thanks to education the great abyss of ignorance can be crossed safely by all.

Giving thanks to education means recognizing were we began our journeys, how far we have traveled, and all the support that has been given to us by pioneers, who blazed the trails we are traveling today, and whose trails we may one day expand as we proceed into the unknown future of education.

On this such special time during which we give thanks for all the blessings we have received, make the time and effort, take that extra step, and thank those who have been a part of the education process. From you to your educators, it is also time to be giving thanks to education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Eduational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Whom to Thank for Education

This is a challenge for those who are life-long educators.  Whom to thank for education?  The names pour down our brain like water on a waterfall: Mrs. A, Mr. B, Coach C, Trainer D, etc.

From our early days in education, to the current day of today when we need guidance, they have facilitated the education process for all of us, and we have benefited from it greatly.  

They are the educators, administrators, instructors, and learners who have become intertwined in our interactive web of learning, study, knowledge, and work.  They have endure with us side by side as we have taken step after step up a long flight of rocky stairs, and have been there ready to protect us from falling over the handrail and into the abyss of ignorance.  

It is these amazing and wonderful people, these professional educators, who have lead us throughout the entire length of the education process.  They have also manage the places where this process has taken of from, where our life-long path toward becoming educated began.

They are the ones whom we thank for all they have done.  The encouragement they have given us time and again as we were in need of guidance.  Personal time taken to stay with us just one more minute so we may understand that which we are having trouble grasping.  These are the people whom to thank for education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I Thank You. For Educating Me.

To every one who has educated me, Thank You.
You took the time to educate me, and I thank you.

You have helped me learn.
You have helped me study.
You have helped me teach.
You have helped me assess.

It was challenging, but with ease.
It was difficult, but manageable.
It was laborious , but rewarding.

Such simple said words carry so much meaning,
Yet they are not said sufficiently enough to satisfy.

So here I say them so they are heard:
I thank you, so much, for educating me.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why I am Thankful for Education

Each person can respond to the question: Why am I thankful for education? For me, this the first time thinking about this question, writing down the answer, and sharing the answer through this essay posted in this blog.  Each one of us can respond to the question by reflecting back on the educational experiences which we have been through, and this is where I will also begin, looking at what has been experienced in education.

Education is a life long journey.  It begins when we come alive and ends when we have gone to rest.  For almost 40 years education has been a part of my life.  It has provided a safe and secure environment for such a period of time.  Through the years, I have experienced education in a variety of forms: formal and informal, personal and professional, private and public.  It is for these various forms of education, which I have experienced over many years, that I am thankful for education.

For me, education has been formal and informal.  Formal Education brings to mind the names of the places where education has taken place: Hogar Jardin, Liceo SalvadoreƱo, Lincoln Middle School, Alameda High School, College of Alameda, and Laney College.  Where I was a student with a teacher in a classroom among my classmates.  Where as Informal Education brings to mind backyards, fields, parks, mountains, construction sites, work places, etc.  There was no specific role assigned to me or person in charge, but a great deal of observation and interaction to absorb.

It has been beneficial to have exposure to private and public education.  Each has provided unique experiences and approaches to education, which resulted in different evaluative outcomes, but both have complemented each other.  Private Education help provide a solid foundation and framework in addition to structure and discipline.  Public Education help provide diversity, possibility, and opportunity, in addition to creativity, growth, and development.  I now try to balance both of these approaches as I continue to further myself as an educator.

Personal Education has consisted primarily of reading and re-reading that which has sparked an interest in the pursuit of skills and knowledge.  Professional Education begun when deciding to help others with the development of skills and understanding of knowledge.  They have both required time, dedication, and perseverance, but have also proven to be greatly rewarding and enjoyable.

Why education? Well, education is good.  It has created great civilizations throughout time, proven its usefulness to humanity.  It is a difficult challenge to undertake, but the rewards can last beyond our lifetime.  I am thankful for education for the skills, knowledge, and experience it has shared with me over the years which have passed, and those which it will share with me over the remaining years to come.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thanks To Education

Thanks to education, I can give thanks to education.

Thanks to education, I have become a better person, a leader, a thinker, a doer.

Thanks to education, I have learned, I have studied, I have taught.

Thanks to education, I have become a better learner, a better student, a better teacher.

Thanks to education, I have met other learners, students, teachers.

Thanks to education, I have helped others learn, study, teach.

Thanks to education, I can be interchanged with you, and we, and us.

Thanks to education, us, you and I, we, together, can solve and resolve the problems of old.

Thanks to education, people can acquire skills, knowledge, understanding, and apply them.

Thanks to education, they, who are up and coming, can have a chance at opportunity.

Thanks to education, those who are humbled by their ignorance can remain humble by awareness.

Thanks to education, the human body, the human mind, and the human spirit, will continue to evolve, endure, and exist.

Author:  Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 2014

This month of November, MRCR Education takes time to say: "Thank You" to education.

This is done through the designation of November's theme of Thankful for Education. 

Education is good.  It is a process by which people can bridge the divide which exists between uneducated and educated.  It is through education that we can acquire knowledge and skills that can help us become leaders who make well informed decisions that better our lives and that of others.

From the most basic of skills like reading, writing, and speaking, to the complexities of applied non-linear calculus, genetic engineering, and socio-economic development, it is education which allows us to make connections and applications throughout time and many generations.

We should be thankful for education,and give thanks to all who have help guide us through our path from uneducated to educated.  We thank ourselves, our relatives, our teachers, our coaches, our educational leaders and decision makers for all that is done toward the unending continuous process of education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.