Monday, January 28, 2019

Reading Fluently

Reading was the first academic skill I learned and once I learned how to read, read I did.

I could read the same book over again in the same way i can now listen to a single song on repeat.

Sometimes I could have four to five books open at the same time, spread out all over the floor, like so many windows and tabs on a computer screen.

Other times I would read a complete series beginning to end much like binge-watching on a streaming device.

Reading fluently is the first fundamental skill developed that helps with success later in school.

While organizing for the new year I came across a booklet given to me nearly 20 years ago (Most likely early 2002) in it was the following quote: "Reading failure has exacted a tremendous long-term consequence for children's developing self-confidence and motivation to learn." by Susan B. Neuman and it reminded me of just how important reading is to education success.

Much has changed since then yet the importance of reading in education remains a priority to all educators, though much of the burden falls on the shoulders of those in early education, but with 75% of California students scoring near or below reading standards (CAASPP 2018) it is worth reminding all education advocates to keep reading front and center.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2019.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 2019

It is a new year.

It is now 2019.

The first generation
of the 21st century
has come of age.

They were the first ones who  became educated in the eras of No Child Left Behind & Common Core State Standards.

Educators have prepared them for both College and Career through some very challenging times in education and beyond.

Educators will continue to prepare students so they can have the required knowledge and necessary tools needed to succeed.

We look to 2019 as a year of educational growth and development for educators and students, parents and administrators, stakeholders and leaders, and all who believe in education.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2019.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.