Monday, June 30, 2014

Evaluating Education Assessment

Once we have done a self-assessment of our education, we can now take to the task of doing an assessment which gives value to education.  

As students, the teacher presents to us education through their instruction.  As students, we are to learn from the instruction of our teachers, so we can become educated.  As students, our learning must be assessed, to provide a measurable value to our education.

  • If we receive instruction, but no assessment, we will be unable to ensure that the instruction was received with clarity and understanding.  
  • If we are assessed without instruction, we will be unable to measure any learning.  
  • If our instruction is greater than our assessment, we will limit how much learning we have achieved.  
  • If our assessment is greater than our instruction, we will limit how much education we have achieved.  

To evaluate education we need assessment, and the assessment must be equal to the instruction, if we are to be able to measure how our learning is leading us toward the achievement of education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Evaluating Education Self-Assessment

Take a moment to do a self-assessment of your education.  Evaluate your education by answering the following questions: 

What can you remember from your education?

Which areas of education have you studied and learned?

How is the accuracy of what you have studied and learned? 

Have you successfully developed the skills and knowledge required of a particular subject area in education? 

How is your education recognized in public?  

These are some of the questions we should ask of ourselves when evaluating education.  If we are true to ourselves, and give a fair self-assessment to education, we would, in turn, become better at becoming educated, for we would be able to make adjustments to our learning skills and abilities.  We would be able to learn with more efficiency.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Evaluating Education

Two concepts to keep in mind when thinking about evaluating education should be the following: Who will evaluate our education.  How will our education be evaluated.  To the first, the principal participant should be ourselves.  We should be the first to evaluate our education.  To the second, careful consideration and open discussion should be combined in order to arrive at a clear and fair process by which our education ought to be evaluated.  Keeping in mind these two concepts should allow us to have a better appreciation for our education, while gaining a greater understanding of the value we gain as an educated people.

It is of great importance that learners evaluate education so they, as students, may judge the value and worth of what has been learned and studied through the process of becoming educated, and thus having acquired knowledge.  There are four steps which can be taken to achieve this, beginning with the creation of a scale to be used for rating the value of education.

This education scale value needs to take into consideration the length of time in education, the locations where education has taken place, and the knowledge which has been learned by being taught, or having experienced through our senses, feelings, and emotions.  Third in the steps is to assess education by filtering it through the five A's (Availability, Amplitude, Accuracy, Accomplishments, Acknowledgements).  Last, it is up to us to implement the process by executing the evaluation of education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2014

On this month of June, MRCR Education takes a look at evaluating education. As students learn they reach many educational accomplishments on their way to becoming life long learners, the most significant being graduation.

Follow the posts on our blog this month as the theme of Evaluating Education is looked at from a variety of view points.  This month, MRCR Education also sends a most sincere congratulations to the class of 2014.

To all those who have successfully completed all the requirements needed to become graduates of their respective educational institutions, and with that members of the class of 2014, this is your moment.

You have accomplished a great achievement, one to be proud of, one to share with friends and family, one which serves as a reminder that self-sacrifice and hard work are recognized in due time, you have achieved something which no one will ever be able to take away, that is your education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.