Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Educational Harvest Sorting 2

What is Educational Harvest Sorting?
Educational Harvest Sorting (E. H. S.) is the process by which, in education, both the quantity and accuracy of a learner's collected knowledge is analyzed and made accountable.

How is Educational Harvest Sorting executed?
The successful execution of Educational Harvest Sorting (E. H. S) is rooted in its two parts:

A) The quantity of a learner's collected knowledge.
It is important that learners acquire a vast amount of knowledge that is varied and diverse.  This includes a variety of subjects, fields of study, life experiences, hands on activities, etc.

B) The accuracy of a learner's collected knowledge.
It is important that a learner's knowledge be accurate and true.  A learner whose knowledge is inaccurate and/or false could have a difficult time unlearning these errors, then learning how to correct them.

Why do Educational Harvest Sorting?
Educational Harvest Sorting (E. H. S.) should be done because it allows educators to become better prepared.  It also provides educators with an accountability tool for their learners.  By analyzing a learner's collected knowledge, educators can better prepare learners for their future education.  Educators need to sort the knowledge obtained by learners to ensure that it is ample and true.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Educational Harvest Sorting

The educational process of harvest begins with the step of collecting and continues with the step of sorting.  These two primary steps in the process of educational harvest help in giving us a view of the growth done over a season, and allows us to plan for future harvests.

Sorting is the arrangement of collected subject information for quantity and for accuracy.  After collecting subject information from learners, we must record and measure both the quantity and accuracy of this information for analysis and accountability purposes.

The quantity of collected subject information allows us to analyze the varied vastness of knowledge possessed by the learner.  It lets us study how much knowledge the learner has acquired over a given period of time.  Care must be taken when analyzing the quantity of collected subject information as this can be acquired by the learner in a variety of places, the classroom being one of the many.  There is a great deal of learning which takes place independently of school.  For this reason, the accuracy of the collected subject information must also be measured.

The accuracy of collected subject information must be measured to account for proper learning.  Whether or not the student has a large and diverse quantity of knowledge, if it is inaccurate, it is of no use, and could be misinterpreted by the learner.  Care must be taken to differentiate between inaccurate information, and misunderstood information.  These two are not the same, but could be the result of learning mistakes which are part of the educational process.  Intentional use of inaccurate information for learning or educational purposes could become a negative experience that can lead the learner on a path of danger.

Measuring both the quantity and accuracy of a learner's knowledge can be accomplished with the step of Educational Harvest Sorting.  After collecting subject information from the learners, we must sort it so we may learn what our learners have learned over time.  This step will help us better prepare the learner for further growth in the years to come.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Educational Harvest Collecting 2

What is Educational Harvest Collecting?
Educational Harvest Collecting (E. H. C.) is the process by which, in education, knowledge is gathered for the purpose of evaluation.

How is Educational Harvest Collecting executed?
Here is a 6-Step guide for the successful execution of E. H. C.
1) Decide what EHC is to be gathered.
2) Decide who will do the gathering of EHC.
3) Decide where EHC will be gathered.
4) Decide when EHC will be gathered.
5) Decide how much EHC will be gathered.
6) Decide why EHC will be gathered.
Why do Educational Harvest Collecting?
The collecting of knowledge in education allows educators to measure the progress a learner has made over time.  Educational Harvest Collecting (E. H. C.) provides educators with a process by which to gather a learners knowledge.  What is collected can then provide educators with a further understanding of what a learner knows and how to continue to build upon that knowledge.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Educational Harvest Collecting

The harvest must be collected if it is to be enjoyed.  If it is not collected, it will remain, unpicked, until it eventually spoils and falls to the ground.  Once this has happened, the harvest can no longer be enjoyed, and it will now serve a different purpose.

How the harvest is collected can be through a variety of ways, methods, and techniques or tools.  It can be collected by hand, or with the aid of technological developments.  We can collect what we can carry, or we can carry more with the help of a container.

The harvest should be collected toward the end of the season.  Doing this will ensure that it has had time to grow, develop, mature, and ripened.  If we collect before the right time, we will have an unripened harvest whose product will not be good, or ready for enjoyment.  On the other hand, if we collect after the right time has passed, we will have an over ripened harvest whose use will be limited, and will spoiled quickly.  Only by collecting within the right time frame, can we assure that the harvest will be at is peak, and thus at the best quality.

It is also important to train those who will collect the harvest.  They must know what is being collected, have the proper or necessary equipment and know how to use it, ensure the safety and security of what is collected, and have a support team available if additional help or assistance is required.  Though the training may be thorough, only through actual experience, gained over time, will the harvest collectors become efficient at this skill.

Since it will take time for the harvest to reach the point at which it should be collected, we also have time to prepare and be ready.  As the harvest is growing, we must become prepared so at the right time we can execute the collection of the harvest with efficiency.  Care must also be taken to not sort or evaluate the harvest as we are collecting it.  This is part of a separate step in the process of educational harvesting.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Educational Harvest 2

What is Educational Harvest?
Educational Harvest is the collecting and sorting of the total accumulated knowledge acquired and understood by a student following a period of learning.

When/Where does Educational Harvest happen?
Educational Harvest can happen at any time, in any place.  This can be an on the spot moment of recollection, a surprise quiz, a question asked by a person in need, etc.

There are many different ways in which educational harvest can manifest to our students.  In education, the best place for educational harvest to take place is in the classroom, if not in the school, as it is the place the student is most familiar with and should feel the most comfortable in.
As for the best time for educational harvest to be done, it would be following a period of preparation, rest, nutrition, and awareness.  This could be mid-morning, mid-afternoon, during school hours, or a non-holiday day. The length of the duration of the Educational Harvest should be adequate to allow the student to perform well and to measure the desired knowledge of the subject matter.

Who does Educational Harvest?
Educational Harvest should be done by all who are taking part in a student's learning process.  This includes parents, classroom assistants, teachers, coaches, principals, administrators, schools, districts, counties, and even students.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Educational Harvest

This is the time traditionally reserved for harvesting.  We are but a few weeks away from winter, and we must prepare for the season ahead.  Although there are some seasonal winters for which even our best preparation may not be sufficient, we must do our best to prepare each and every time we are presented with the opportunity to do so.

Harvesting ca be defined as the collecting and sorting of a seasonal crop which has been grown from the planting of a seed.  The farmer plants seeds in a field which has been prepared.  In time, we hope, that the seeds will spring up and germinate, then grow into plants that produce a good harvest which is varied and diverse.

In education it can be said that we harvest a student's understanding after planting the seeds of learning in the ample fields of their minds.  We hope that what a student understands is that all knowledge can be interconnected and applied to find the solutions which present and future challenges will require so that they may be met and overcome.

Collecting in education can be defined as the gathering of a student's prior knowledge for the purpose of presenting it to the public.  If we want to make sure that our students understand what they have learned, we must attempt to collect it as a whole and in its entirety.  Collecting will be a continuous cycle that takes place over the years.

Sorting in education can be defined as the arrangement of a student's prior knowledge by information in subject matter as both quantity and quality.  We need to be able to measure, in multiple standards, the growth that a student has done, over the defined time of the season.  Sorting will allow us to analyze and envision overall education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Friday, November 1, 2013

November 2013

November is a reminder that there is a time during which we harvest our crops by collecting them and sorting them.  This is done to do an analysis of the crops that have grown over the last season and the fruit that they have yielded.  Crops are measured and checked with a variety of tools and standards and are submitted for final approval and appreciation to the public.  

In education we do this through collection and sorting of knowledge and information.  We harvest the knowledge and information that students have learned, we measure the quantity and quality, and the student's understanding and application of such knowledge and information for accuracy.  This sorting and collecting serves as a gauge of the education level that the students have acquired up this time.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.