Science - Technology - Engineering - Arts - Mathematics

"STEAM Education provides students with the opportunity to develop a strong foundation based on the skills and knowledge that will help them face future challenges.

The founding principles in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) allow for education to be interconnected, in a most creative way, using available resources, and benefiting all students.

STEAM is an important component in today's learning and benefits the education process when it is responsibly implemented to all levels of academic and professional instruction."

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator/Founder


MRCR Education offers:

  • Introductory and Advanced sessions for students.
  • Professional Development and Training Seminars for STEAM Educators.
  • Presentations and Speaking Engagements on Benefits and Support of STEAM Education.

Contact MRCR Education:

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Follow on Twitter: @mrcreducation