Friday, September 27, 2013

Awake and Ready

As the month of September comes to an end,
We also close the first full month of the school year.
We have established an educational schedule that we are adhering to,
We are awake and ready to complete this school year.
As September comes to an end, this is where we should be.

We are awake and ready, and we demonstrate it in school.
By showing up on time to class, by raising our hands to engage.
By bringing our homework in hand, and handing it in to be graded.
By preparing our lessons and teaching our students.
We demonstrate we are awake and ready.

By being awake and ready for school we show our commitment
As students: Attending, Participating, Learning, Studying.
As educators: Preparing, Engaging, Welcoming, Educating.
As parents: Supporting, Nurturing, Encouraging, Parenting.
By being awake and ready until we complete this school year.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas (Educator)

Copyright 2013. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ready for a New School Year

To be ready for a new school year we must plan ahead of time.  We must plan and must prepare for what could take place throughout the year.

There will be supplies that will be needed like backpacks, paper, pencils, and erasers.  Supplies that, though they may seem as common sense to most, are either out of reach for some due to financial factors or, for others, are expected to be supplied to the students by the schools.

There will be transportation needs like walking with a buddy, getting a ride from a friend, or taking public transit to and from school, in addition to other student activities that they may participate in either on or off campus.  How will you get to where you need to be? To school? To practice? To the study groups?  Students and parents must plan and coordinate these transportation logistics ahead of time.

There will be nutritional needs that also take priority in a child's education.  Proper nutrition plays an important role in the development of the child, as well as amount of energy that will be available for them to complete tasks from staying awake in class, to making the team, and even study sessions.  From breakfast to lunches, dinners and snacks, preparing to meet the nutritional needs of students should be a priority.

With the proper supplies, coordinated transportation, and right nutrition, students will have more energy focused on paying attention in class, and less energy worried about who can they get writing materials from, what are they going to eat when they become hungry, and how are they going to get home after school.

It takes time to plan ahead for the new school year, but it is worth it when it is done together between students and parents, classmates and neighbors, adult and children.  We can collaborate together and be ready for the school year if we just take the time.

Author - Manuel R. CortezRodas (Educator)

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A New School Year Awakes

By now most of us have had at least a couple of weeks of school.

The new school year has gotten started, and for the most part everyone is starting to settle in.
First day jitters are gone, and we have caught up on what we did over the summer.
But there is one thing, a sound, that even as adults have a hard time getting used to.

That is, of course, the wake-up call.

Whether its from an alarm clock, our phones, or our parents coming into our bedrooms, the wake-up call eventually comes every morning of each school day.

It is our indication that we are to get ready for the day ahead, as we are now awake.
Though sometimes getting ready does require just a little more sleep, eventually we must comply and make it through our daily morning routine so we may be in school on time.
Waking up and getting ready are the first two activities we do each day before school, and they play an important part on the future of our day.

This is why it is important that each and every day, throughout the school year, we do what we can to make sure that these two daily activities help us start our day in a positive manner that can be carried out by us so our day is bright from start to finish, while uplifting and cheering up those who may need to lean on us for support.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 2013

"A New School Year"

The month of September will bring about the start of a new school year.  It is the time for those who are participating in education to be waking up and getting ready.  This requires that we become mentally and physically awake, so that we may become fully able to start the new educational school year, and to establish a routine that will help us in planning for the next day.

AUTHOR: Manuel R. CortezRodas

Copyright 2013.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.