As the month of September comes to an end,
We also close the first full month of the school year.
We have established an educational schedule that we are adhering to,
We are awake and ready to complete this school year.
As September comes to an end, this is where we should be.
We are awake and ready, and we demonstrate it in school.
By showing up on time to class, by raising our hands to engage.
By bringing our homework in hand, and handing it in to be graded.
By preparing our lessons and teaching our students.
We demonstrate we are awake and ready.
By being awake and ready for school we show our commitment
As students: Attending, Participating, Learning, Studying.
As educators: Preparing, Engaging, Welcoming, Educating.
As parents: Supporting, Nurturing, Encouraging, Parenting.
By being awake and ready until we complete this school year.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas (Educator)