Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Can Every Student Succeed?

No Child Left Behind has been left behind as of 2015.

NCLB or No Child Left Behind set the course of education in the United States of America as we started a new century of American Education.  It encountered, almost intermediately, turbulent times and strong opposition, but never the less NCLB set the course and guided American Education in the 21st Century.  NCLB leaves education with a founding core of standardized academic instruction and student assessment, in addition to abundant statistical performance data.

Now, at the start of 2016, we begin anew with ESSA.

Every Student Succeeds Act brings with its implementation a much needed course correction, a "rerouting" if you will, of American Education in the 21st Century.  Before setting off on any journey it is wise to prepare and pack what might be needed to be able to complete it.  It is also wise to plan a path to take to reach such destination.  But not until setting off on the path of this journey can it be seen what obstacles may lie ahead.  Even when the path is known and well traveled, as education is, on occasion obstacles may arise that can prevent students from succeeding.  

Can Every Student Succeed?

"Success is counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar requires sorest need." - Emily Dickinson.

For every student to succeed, all those who are taking part in education must be willing and able to collaborate toward making education an accessible priority at all ages and at each level of learning through our funding and support.  Having every student succeed is a great challenge that is well worth achieving and ensuring its continuity.  All who take part in education can make it possible for every student to succeed.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator/Founder

All Rights Reserved.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  Copyright 2016.

Monday, January 4, 2016

January 2016

Welcome Back Educators!

It is time to kick-off 2016.

Soon.  The class of 2016 will complete its educational journey, and become prepared to be promoted towards a higher level of achieveable education.

Soon.  Some time in the late spring.  The second year of CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance) will take place.  Care must be taken that California education and educators do their best to prepare students, do not become complacent or over-confident, and avoid a dreaded Sophomore slump.  Together, we should look forward towards continued growth and success in education for 2016.

MRCR Education continues its commitment to education particularly in the areas of EL's (English Learners), STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics), and HAST (Humanities-Arts-Science-Technology)

Thank you to our blog visitors and @mrcreducation Twitter followers for your support.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator/Founder

Copyright 2016.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.