Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Independent Education Evaluation

We are able to educate ourselves independently.  We do not need to wait until someone else decides if we are to be educated, when we are to be educated, and on what we are to be educated.  We can make the time and go to a place, with access to knowledge which is available for all to know, where we feel secure, and there are no dangers.  We are able to educate ourselves independently if that is what we truly want.

That upon which we become educated becomes our knowledge.  Knowledge which originates independently, when it is not presented, remains in private.  Knowledge which originates independently, when it is presented, becomes public.  Our knowledge, whether originated independently or not, is what allows us to become educated.  As we become educated we, we must also decide which is to become public, and which is to remain in private.

Being educators of ourselves requires that we endure great self-sacrifice.  It is a life-long process which many have attempted, and a process in which you can go on for as long as one has access to education.  Independent education must also be evaluated as part of this process.  Evaluating our independent education will help us better assess which areas of education need further development, and which need to diversify, so that our education is in balance.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Independent Education Establishment

"Independent Education Establishment is a process by which the learner lays the foundation for the development of their independent education.  This is a process which varies based on the specific learning needs of the student.  When a student wants to establish their foundation toward independent education, the student should take care to consider many factors which are needed to be a successful independent learner.  Four factors that are key to this establishment are: Place, Time, Dangers, and Safety."

Where is the student going to do most of their independent education?  There are many places where a student can become engaged in independent education, with school being the traditional principal place.  A student should not limit their learning to what takes place in school.  Students can also become engaged in independent education at home, when traveling through the great outdoors, with the use of technology by going on-line, and even as they are undergoing trainings at the office.

When is the student going to make time to pursue independent education?  Setting aside a few minutes, or an hour, each day, for the purpose of  independent education, can be enough to establish a positive path toward becoming a true independent learner.  The student must also consider the overall length of time that is needed as they progress through this path, whether it is a life-long pursuit of education, or personal education as early learners, higher education students, or adults and elders.

What can endanger the establishment of independent education?  Factors to consider include the conditions in which the student is attempting to establish their independent education.  Inconsistency and distractions can become a challenge for any student who is pursuing independent education.  There can also be external factors of a social, political or environmental nature which are either unforeseen, or beyond the control of the learner, and can pose a challenge to the student's independent education.

How can a student safely establish independent education?  Learning in a safe and secure environment can be a positive step toward the pursuit of independent education.  Any time and any place in which the student is attempting to become an independent learner should be free of dangers.  Safety during independent education can allow the student to learn without fear.  Students who are able to learn in an environment of safety need not worry about anything but to succeed as they pursuit independent education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Independent Education

There is great value in education and there is great value in becoming educated. As a result, if we were to pursuit our education independently, through our own self-determination to become educated, we will come to realize the importance of pursuing independent education.  As individual colonies it was agreed that it would be better to become an independent nation.  From this we can learn that it would be better to become independent in our education.  So how can we become independent in our education? How can we pursuit independent education? Here are three points which can help us pursuit an independent education:

  • Don't wait to be taught, teach yourself. 
"It is important that we receive formal education by attending schools and having the best teachers available present their knowledge to us, but we need not wait for us to be in the classroom waiting for our teachers to teach us in order to learn.  We have access to a great deal of knowledge through the many technological developments achieved.  If there is something which you wish to know about, search for it."
  • Learn how you learn.
"Each one of us learns in a unique way.  If we learn how we learn, we can facilitate the process of becoming educated in a more efficient way.  From brain research, to audio-visual learning, to repeating the times tables over and over again, there are many different techniques and methods to learn and help us process newly acquired information.  Find our which ones work best for you and make them part of your education process."
  • Teach what you've learn, share your knowledge.
"Teaching completes the educational circle which begins when we are studying.  We are taught so we can study, we study so we can learn, we learn so we can share what we know.  By sharing what we know we can also contribute to the growth of knowledge.  It is through educational publication and argumentation which new ideas are created."
By implementing these three points as guides in our educational pathway, we can develop some of the skills which can become beneficial to us as we become educated.  Let's not wait to be taught and teach ourselves.  Let's learn how we learn and become efficient learners.  Let's teach what we have learned and share our knowledge with others.  Let's become pursuers of independent education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 2014

July marks the midway point of the year.  Summer is here.  We celebrate our independence.  Education is in its off-season as students, teachers, parents, and administrators continue to prepare and plan for the next school year to begin.  The national pastime, baseball, carries us through the summer as it began back in spring, when we were closing last school year, and it will end in the fall, when we are opening the next school year.

This July, MRCR Education will draw its inspiration for the blog posts from the theme of "Independent Education".  Each one of us should be independent seekers of education.  To take charge of our own education as we pursuit further knowledge for the betterment of ourselves and the benefit of others.  It is with this thought in mind that we will be preparing the posts which will be published throughout the month of July.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2014.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.