Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 2016

"September is now here and we have started a new school year.

New classmates, new classrooms, new teachers, new t-shirts.

Old classmates, old classrooms, old teachers, old t-shirts.

We all have a chance to begin on a good note and start on the right foot."

"It is the start of a journey, the beginning of an adventure.
Sometimes the path will be easy-going and straight forward.
Sometimes the path will challenge us to take a step back.
And every once in a while a fork on the road will offer a choice.

"So let us all, all of us, plan the best and safest route.
And reroute our direction if we ever get lost.
Let us all help each other reach the end of the school year.
And together as one we'll be able to cheer."

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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