Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Education Assessment Application

Assessment is a measuring tool which is used in education.  One of the purposes of assessing education is to measure what has been learned.  Educational assessment has limitations, but it can be useful when measuring factual and specific data.  When educational assessment is used for the measurement of either non-factual or non-specific information, it is beneficial to define and develop a measuring guideline which clearly states what is acceptable.  Assessment guidelines can then be refined further into different ranges, degrees, and/or scales.

Educational assessment should be applied to measure the growth that a student has achieved.  Care should be taken not to use educational assessment as the only measuring tool by which the whole education of a student is evaluated.  The limits of educational assessment makes it ineffective as the one and only measuring tool to use in education.  What students learn is ample and diverse.  It takes many different forms of measurement to capture an overall assessment of an individual's education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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