Saturday, May 31, 2014

Education Assessment Overview

An overview of education assessment, from what most of us recall since our early years in school, could be summed up in four steps as follows: 

1) Teacher makes the test.  
2) Student takes the test.  
3) Teacher grades the test.  
4) Student receives the grade.

It was, and continues to be, the responsibility of the student to decide what step should be taken next.  The student should look at the grade they got on the test, learn from any mistakes made, correct those mistakes, and become better prepared for the next test.

To be able to do this, the student should be given access to the test, after it has been corrected, so they can have the time to study from it.  This is one critical element that is missing from most current methods of educational assessment.  If a student is to fully understand the importance of having their education assessed, then students should be given access to the assessment they have taken. 

Students ought to have the right to access the educational assessment tool which has been implemented to measure their growth.  After all, it is the student who takes the test, provides the answers, and is evaluated.  Let us think back at how much we could have grown educationally if we had been given access to all the standardized tests that we took as students, instead of just having been given an abstract number.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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