Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve 2019

Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year!!!

Welcome 2020

Be safe and have a wonderful time celebrating the festivities.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2019.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

December 2019

As we reach the end of the year. MRCR Education takes a look back at the posts of 2019:


"We look to 2019 as a year of educational growth and development for educators and students, parents and administrators, stakeholders and leaders, and all who believe in education."


"From the complex structure of computer languages, to the early remnants of hand imprints in caves, and the philosophical discussions in ancient Greece about public oratory vs. written record, writing has earned the top spot in many modern languages."


"It is time.  We are ready.
It is time.  We are prepared.
It is time.  We are learning.
It is time.  We are studying.
It is time.  We are teaching."


"This is the final pit stop before the end of the school year and education prepares to enter into its final turn down the home straightaway to graduation."


"We must be there for our students and see them to the end, to that day when they take the stage and receive the recognition they have earned, for all the work they have put into becoming a graduate of the Class of 2019."


"The long days of June have arrived bringing the needed break of Summer...It is a great time to unplug and disconnect in order to discover other means of learning."


"'Summer Slide' refers to a decline in performance by a student that takes place between the last day of the prior school year and the first day of the new school year."


"New students and faculty members have been welcomed into their new institutions of learning and development with warmth, kindness, friendship, and professionalism."


"From meeting over the summer to get classrooms ready and gathering the necessary supplies to begin the year, to writing and revising lesson plans so they are up to date, to welcoming colleagues and students both former and new, educators have been laboring long and hard to ensure that we can provide the best education possible and make it available to all."


"Schools make preparations so students are ready to pursuit their own education as the last two months of the year (November and December) have a limited number of school days due to the upcoming seasonal holidays."


"Students, Teachers, Administrators, and Parents, have been collaborating since returning from Summer Break on that first day of school.  Before the Winter Break arrives it is a good time for all stakeholders in education to prepare for the second half of school, that last day of class."

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2019.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.