Friday, September 14, 2012

The September Ember

"The September Ember"

By: Manuel R. CortezRodas

This will be the first full five day week for most educators, teachers, and students.  It is also the first full month of school in September, and it serves as a reminder, that by now, we should have stirred, the embers of learning, in our students.  Although many of us are still looking back at Summer, we should all begin to shift our focus toward the Fall and Winter.  If our students see where we look, they will see where we want them to go.  If they see that we know where we are heading; then they will know where they are expected to go, and they will know that we will arrive there together.  Let us take the time to plan, prepare, and review what it is we want students to do in this start to the school year.  Let us remember, that in September, we re-lit that ember, and our students remember, way past December, that the September Ember has inspired their educational fire.

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