Monday, March 30, 2020

Distance Learning Guide

Schools are now facing the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic will not be a minor set back of a few weeks of learning lost, but rather a long term displacement of education.

Districts are doing the best they can, with the resources available, to take on the unprecedented task of mobilizing in classroom daily instruction into online webinars, home packages, and conference calls.

Gone is the daily social interaction of students and school staff that was so familiar to us for so many years...getting to school by the start of class, talking or playing before getting started, doing group work or silent reading, meeting with a reading buddy, going to the lunchroom to supply nutrients and more playing games in the school yard, lining up for PE or media center, access to supplies and materials for school work... all that is now gone, or to be fair, on hold until further notice.

Parents are now the principal and teacher to their own student-child.  Classrooms are now in a home's living room, dining room, or bedroom.  Classmates are now a profile picture on the sidebar of an online chat.

To help schools, teachers, parents and students adjust to this new way or distance learning, MRCR Education has designed a "Distance Learning Guide" that is available to all.  We hope that it provides you with some needed support as we continue to adjust to the challenges during this time of need.

Stay healthy.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2020.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 2020

Dear Educators,

These are difficult times.

No classroom, school, or district could have foreseen the unprecedented events that have taken place due to the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic that has affected the entire world.

Even as educators improvise and come up with creative and inventive ways to deliver education remotely to students, the conditions keep changing daily, even hourly, as new information becomes available and elected officials enact new orders.

This much is clear: Education must go on.

How schools proceed to serve students and their families will continue to be debated in the days and weeks to come, but distance learning is now going to be a primary method of service.  So what does this mean and how does it look? Is it a live webcam broadcasting from our homes during school hours? Uploaded lessons for students to download and complete at home? Individual emails to students? Does each student have the technology to receive this type of instructions? Do educators?

There is no doubt that there are many questions and challenges that educators must face during this time of education and social interruption, but by maintaining communication channels open with faculty, administrators, departments, para-educators, office staff, etc. we will be able to do that which we have always done...

Provide the best education for students while supporting them in their time of need.

Thank You.


Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2020.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.