Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 2018

The month of February has been memorable.

To summarize:

It began with the Super Bowl where the Philadelphia Eagles prevailed over the New England Patriots.

Then it was followed by Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday thus marking the beginning of Lent.

Afterwards Presidents Day and the start of the celebration of the Lunar New Year, the year of the Dog.

And it concluded with us taking part in the CA EL Roadmap Review Committee as the California capital of Sacramento was blanketed by a late winter storm of cold air and rain, hail, and snow.

But all this was in the midst of a tragedy in a school in Florida that ended the lives of students and educators.

This month of February has reminded us just how precious every day of life is, and how it is precious that we continue to give our lives to education, as learners, as students, as parents, as teachers, as administrators, as advocates and stakeholders in education, and the importance that we all have in an interconnected information net where we must identify weaknesses and make prompt and efficient repairs, or face a continuing damage that deteriorates and vanishes into air over time.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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