Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 2017

Alas, we have reached the end of April.
We stand, no longer months, but weeks away from the conclusion of the 2016-17 school year.

The final lap of education takes place in the month of May,
and students, parents, teachers, and administrators prepare to take their final pit stop, to ensure that the engines of learning are running smooth, that everyone enters this final lap on four good tires, that there is nothing that can obstruct the view through the windshield, that there is nothing that can clog the air flow to the engine.

Assessments are taking place to measure the growth done throughout this past year.
Awards and recognition are being taken into consideration for those who met or exceeded set criteria.
Summer plans are in the works for the near future while awaiting for the final rush of adrenaline that the last weeks of school bring forth.
There was much change that we have gone through during this year.
Some has brought us closer,
some may have driven us apart,
but we have all been through it together,
regardless of good or bad weather.

To the class of 2017,
may your sails catch that forward wind,
that will continue to drive you towards your goals.
And may you wear you caps and gowns with pride,
as you have much to celebrate in the upcoming graduations.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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