Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From Positive experience to Negative experience

"From a Positive to a Negative Educational Experience"

By: Manuel R. CortezRodas

A student with a Positive Past Educational Experience (PPEE) is presently experiencing an event in their school education that has the effect of becoming a Negative Future Educational Experience (NFEE).  This results in the collapsed failure of the student's educational path.  A student who had a positive experience in school, because of today's events, will have a negative experience in school.  What could happen today in school that causes a student to undergo such a negative change? Below is a list of some of the issues that students could face, in school, that would cause their educational path to derail into a collapsed failure:
  • The student is embarrassed by the teacher while in the classroom.
  • The student is picked on by a  classmate or classmates while in school.
  • The student may have a learning difficulty which has not been identified or evaluated.
  • The student is identified negatively by school officials.
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