Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 2019

As we reach the end of September, MRCR Education takes a look back at what this month has been like.

To start, Labor Day.  A day in which we reflect on the importance of the labor educators do.  From meeting over the summer to get classrooms ready and gathering the necessary supplies to begin the year, to writing and revising lesson plans so they are up to date, to welcoming colleagues and students both former and new, educators have been laboring long and hard to ensure that we can provide the best education possible and make it available to all.

Halfway through September began the Latin American/Hispanic Heritage Month celebration where we acknowledge and recognize the contributions made by the peoples and cultures from the southern most points in Chile and Argentina, to the mountainous terrains of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru, the volcanic backbone of the Central American Isthmus, the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic, and all the current and historic regions of the former Mexican Empire.

Finally, we officially say goodbye to Summer and welcome Fall with its "Autumn Wind" just as baseball enters its Fall Classic and Football's gridiron returns.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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