Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Education Assessment Variations

There are limits to both the quantity and quality of education which can be assessed.  The greatest of these limitations is the amount of time that is allocated to assess what has been learned in a given time on a specific subject.  Further limitations include limits in language and learning which the student must overcome by developing skills and abilities in each of these areas.

Although there are limitations to educational assessment, educators can and have develop various methods by which to assess, the quality and quantity of education, that students should have learned at the conclusion of the instruction period.  Some of these forms are familiar as they are known as quizzes, tests, exams, and finals, but it is worth taking into consideration other methods of educational assessment such as collaborative, creativity, and presentations.

By developing a multitude of variations to how students are assessed, we can expand our ability to truly understand what it is that our students have learned throughout the the course of our instruction and guidance.  Developing diverse assessment methods also gives students different chances to express what they have learned in their own unique way, which may, in turn, allow others to learn from each other.

It is important that educators take the time to analyze and understand the importance of assessing education, and that they be supportive of the current methodology under implementation, while working toward the development of future methods of assessment which are fair and balanced while maintaining the rigor that is needed to measure academic achievement.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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