Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 2014

July marks the midway point of the year.  Summer is here.  We celebrate our independence.  Education is in its off-season as students, teachers, parents, and administrators continue to prepare and plan for the next school year to begin.  The national pastime, baseball, carries us through the summer as it began back in spring, when we were closing last school year, and it will end in the fall, when we are opening the next school year.

This July, MRCR Education will draw its inspiration for the blog posts from the theme of "Independent Education".  Each one of us should be independent seekers of education.  To take charge of our own education as we pursuit further knowledge for the betterment of ourselves and the benefit of others.  It is with this thought in mind that we will be preparing the posts which will be published throughout the month of July.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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