Monday, June 30, 2014

Evaluating Education Assessment

Once we have done a self-assessment of our education, we can now take to the task of doing an assessment which gives value to education.  

As students, the teacher presents to us education through their instruction.  As students, we are to learn from the instruction of our teachers, so we can become educated.  As students, our learning must be assessed, to provide a measurable value to our education.

  • If we receive instruction, but no assessment, we will be unable to ensure that the instruction was received with clarity and understanding.  
  • If we are assessed without instruction, we will be unable to measure any learning.  
  • If our instruction is greater than our assessment, we will limit how much learning we have achieved.  
  • If our assessment is greater than our instruction, we will limit how much education we have achieved.  

To evaluate education we need assessment, and the assessment must be equal to the instruction, if we are to be able to measure how our learning is leading us toward the achievement of education.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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