Thursday, November 7, 2013

Educational Harvest 2

What is Educational Harvest?
Educational Harvest is the collecting and sorting of the total accumulated knowledge acquired and understood by a student following a period of learning.

When/Where does Educational Harvest happen?
Educational Harvest can happen at any time, in any place.  This can be an on the spot moment of recollection, a surprise quiz, a question asked by a person in need, etc.

There are many different ways in which educational harvest can manifest to our students.  In education, the best place for educational harvest to take place is in the classroom, if not in the school, as it is the place the student is most familiar with and should feel the most comfortable in.
As for the best time for educational harvest to be done, it would be following a period of preparation, rest, nutrition, and awareness.  This could be mid-morning, mid-afternoon, during school hours, or a non-holiday day. The length of the duration of the Educational Harvest should be adequate to allow the student to perform well and to measure the desired knowledge of the subject matter.

Who does Educational Harvest?
Educational Harvest should be done by all who are taking part in a student's learning process.  This includes parents, classroom assistants, teachers, coaches, principals, administrators, schools, districts, counties, and even students.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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