Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2014

Education is the fruit we harvest at the end of a long season of learning.  As educators we hope that the seeds of knowledge which we plant in our students take root and grow to produce a bountiful harvest.  As students we hope that the knowledge presented to us feeds us into the future.  Support is also needed from parents and the community to nurture and care for students and educators all throughout the learning season.

Learning is a long and arduous journey whose season is just beginning.  We are in the early stages of this journey and care must be taken to prevent fatigue from overcoming us as we undertake this journey.  Patience must also be an important component through this process, as it takes time for seeds to germinate, and young blooming saplings to become fruit producing trees.

Learning is the labor which must be done to achieve education.  If students want to succeed, it is recommended that they labor throughout the school year.  This they can achieve through self-dicipline and self-sacrifice as well as vision and organization. Students must also know that although they bear the responsibility of learning and studying, they are not alone in their educational labors.  As educators, part of our responsibility to help our students succeed lies in our availability to the students.  As we commence this journey let's do our best to become available resources of support  for our students, so we may both take pride in the fruit to be harvested come our journey's end.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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