Thursday, August 28, 2014

New School Year 2014-15

The 2014-15 school year has begun.  Students, teachers, parents, administrators, and educators have gone back to school.  The first day of classes has come and gone, so has the first week, and soon enough both the first holiday will arrive as the first month will depart.

There is much work to do and growth to achieve.  Not all will be starting at the same level, but all should be finishing on par.  By making education our priority we can create a learning environment where study, creativity, and interaction can take place.

This cannot be achieved without a plan or preparation.  It is worthwhile to take some time and come up with an implementable roadmap that can serve as a guide throughout the school year.  This roadmap should also allow for exits and entrances in case it is needed to go off road.

It is also imperative that trust, safety, and security be established as part of the learning environment.  By preparing for possible emergencies and disasters, which could take place in the classroom, school, or community, these three imperatives can become established as a natural part of the educational process.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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