Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Halfway Point

January marks the halfway point of the school year.  What we began to plan and prepare for before the school year began back in August, is now a reality that has been fulfilled halfway.  Though we have made plans and preparations for the entire school year back in August and well before then, there may have been some unexpected challenges that caused our plans to be adjusted.  This January halfway point can serve us as an excellent moment to take a look at what we have achieved, what we need to complete, and what corrections we must make so that we achieve completely the educational goals of this school year.

 By analyzing what we have done, where we are now, and that which is yet to be finished, educators can become organized and refocused.  This can then in turn help our students reach the educational goals and achievements which they need to successfully demonstrate before they can move on with further education.  As educators we are in a constant process of adaptation, implementation, and evaluation, and it is important that students, parents, and administrators be aware of how we manage this process, as well as how they benefit from it.  By taking charge of our lessons, curriculum, and classrooms during this halfway point in the school year, educators can demonstrate that they are educational leaders who are helping students develop into the future leaders of their communities.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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