Saturday, April 26, 2014

HAST Education Benefits

What are the Benefits of HAST Education?

The benefits of HAST Education are many. It would be challenging to attempt and list them all, and if we were to assume that we had listed all of them, upon sharing them with others, we would soon realize that there were other benefits that we were unable to see for ourselves.  HAST Education can provide many benefits on a variety of levels: The student as an individual, the classroom as a whole, and the school as part of the community, just to illustrate three of the many levels which could benefit from a HAST Education.

Of the many benefits which HAST Education has to offer, an understanding of human interaction, an appreciation of the beauty in art, the application of scientific knowledge, the development of modern technology, and a cross reference multiple subject knowledge, are some which we might want to take into consideration. By working with students to develop the five benefits mentioned above, we would also be working with them in developing the skills needed to have a better chance of success academically, professionally, and socially.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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