Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to Bridge Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology

This question has been put forth in previous posts: How can humanities and science be bridged?  These two areas of knowledge, of academic wisdom, of human endeavor, have been at odds since the beginning of time.

Humanity has benefited greatly from scientific achievements that have allowed for the development of modern technologies and art forms.

Yet there have been many instances in which these same scientific achievements, modern technologies, and art forms, have caused some of the darkest chapters in human history.

HAST education, the integration of Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology, is founded on the four cornerstones which these four areas provide.

HAST education helps bridge the vast expanses that can form within these four core areas.  It keeps as a primary focus the effects that education and its applications have for the people, our communities, and society; while taking into account the benefits to humanity of our scientific achievements, newly developed technologies, and the art forms that are created from them. HAST education also brings to the forefront the dangers that can happen to us if we do not take these thoughts into consideration by bringing light to some of the most tragic events in humanity.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator/Founder

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