Thursday, August 27, 2015

Happy New School Year!

To all Parents, Administrators, Students, Teachers, and Educators:

A very Happy New School Year!!!

MRCR Educations wishes all a wonderful 2015-16 school year, and we hope that it is filled with educational growth and development.

"Back to School"

We are going back to school.

Soon, in the next few weeks, and days ahead,
Educators, Teachers, Students, Administrators, and Parents,
in addition to all personnel who has a task, responsibility, and commitment to education, prepares to go back to school.

To Educators:

As Educators we are leaders to those who want to learn.
We welcome and share with them:
The knowledge we've gained.
The skills we've developed.
We assess their learning to ensure it has value.

To Teachers:

The true titans of education are teachers.  There's that memorable one whose door was always open.  In whose classroom there is unexpressed respect, and discipline is unnecessary.  Those who challenged, pushed, moved, and motivated even the most impossible ones.  They help us practice skills.  They help us learn knowledge.

To Students:

Yes.  Students must wake up and get ready to demonstrate what they've been taught.  Must study what students have learned until it has been mastered.  Be responsible and take ownership of their own education.  Become leaders in the areas they study.  Create and develop new fields to study in.

To Parents:

Help prepare students by providing support, guidance, and encouragement.  Provide a safe and secure space in which a strong foundation forms such that a lifetime of education can take place.  Become an example by learning, studying, and teaching the importance of education.  Impart a fair assessment on the student's education.

To Administrators:

It is a great honor to serve and administer people's needs in education.  Parent's concerns. Student's struggles, Teacher's training, Educator's understanding.  These are among the many concerns of education's administrators.  They have the responsibility to ensure everyone is educated.  They have the responsibility to ensure education is fair.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator/Founder

Copyright 2015.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Preparing to go #BacktoSchool

How to  Prepare to go Back to School:

What is needed to Prepare to go Back to School?  As I reflect on what I would need to go back to school, there are four things that come to mind: A map, supplies, transportation, and motivation.  Having access to these four elements would prepare me to go back to school, and they could be helpful to others who are also preparing to go back to school.

1) Map

Where is my classroom located? How about the gym? the cafeteria? Without a map it could be challenging to find the location of areas of importance in school.  Even if we are familiar with the school grounds, there may be a place that is new or unknown to us.  As we take the time to get to know the school grounds, and ask for directions when we don't know where we are going, we will feel more familiar with, and more comfortable in, our schools.

2) Supplies

Every journey requires the necessary supplies to successfully complete the trip, in education there are necessary supplies that are needed.  From the most basic of needs (paper and pencil) to the latest and greatest (Tablet, Phone) supplies for school play an important role in achieving success.  Gathering the necessary supplies helps prepare to go back to school.

3) Transportation

How does one get to school, and once there, how does one get some place else?  Some can walk to school by themselves or with a buddy, others need to arrange complex weekly carpools.  You may have a ride to your after school activities, but eventually have to make your way back home.  With careful planning, some patience, and sense of security, it is possible to arrange adequate transportation to go back to school.

4) Motivation

"I don't wanna go to school..." "I don't want to go to that class."  We hear it.  We think it.  We say it.  We feel it.  Yet we gain the needed motivation to go back to school.  After all, we already have the transportation to get there, the necessary supplies to succeed, and a map to guide us through our educational journey.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator/Founder

Copyright 2015.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 2015

We are going to go back to school.
Soon, in the next few weeks and days ahead,
educators, teachers, students, parents, administrators,
and all personnel who has a task,
a responsibility,
a commitment to education,
prepares to go back to school.

As educators we are leaders to those who want to learn.
We welcome and share with them
the knowledge we've gained,
the skills we've developed,
and we assess their learning
to ensure its value.

Teachers plan ahead the lessons for the year.
Units are broken down and spread across the months.
Old assignments are renovated,
and new ideas are in the process of being developed.
Classrooms will soon be decorated
and supplies will be restocked.

Students and their parents make preparations at home.
Backpacks, notebooks, pens and pencils,
are on many shopping lists,
and the latest ed-tech gadgets as well.
a special section is reserved for school work,
and to study, to read, to write.

Administrators visualize the school year as a whole
and fill the weeks with training, seminars, 
professional development, and the like.
New implementations are carefully reviewed.
Roadmaps are established, redesigned, or upgraded.

It is time to go back to school,
and begin the 2015-16 school year.

Manuel R. CortezRodas-Chief Educator/Founder

Copyright 2015.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.