Thursday, February 18, 2016

Succeeding with English Learners in a 21st Century Standards Based Education

"Succeeding with English Learners in a 21st Century Standards Based Education"

Guide for Educators in Grades Pre-K through 12th (+2)

A look at five key areas to succeed in with ELs

1) Recognition
2) Early Introduction
3) Growth-Nutrition-Health
4) Professional Development
5) Assessment

1) Recognition
English Learners must be acknowledged if they are to succeed.  If educators fail to recognize English Learners and their needs, then educators become the greatest obstacle toward success.

2) Early Introduction
English Learners who are introduced to the language early on in their life have a longer time to develop the most basic skills on which complex language communication, the clarity of thought, is built on.

3) Growth-Nutrition-Health
English Learners must grow in their language skills and knowledge if they are to succeed. The best way to grow? Good nutrition in language arts by introducing ELs to a diverse range of literary works from ancient texts and modern type, while maintaining a healthy language base of grammar, prose, and oratory.

4) Professional Development
English Learners need the leadership of professional educators who can care for and understand the challenges of learning the technical aspects of a new language as ELs do. Educators who participate in professional development can further develop teaching methods and learn new approaches to introducing standards to a diverse EL classroom.

5) Assessment
English Learners have to be assessed, not only for language fluency success, but for mastery of all standards as required of all students. ELs should be able to share their knowledge, understanding, and ideas, as well as their educational skills, in addition to their achievement of language fluency and communication of expression. 

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Chief Educator

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