Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Why It's Important To Participate in Graduation Ceremonies

You have completed all the requirements.  Even gone above and beyond.  It has been checked and double checked by you, your friends, your school counselor, it is a fact: You are going to graduate.

But why bother going to graduation?  The school is not going to present you with the real diploma, degree, or certificate until the end of the ceremony or even later on (by the way, this is done to prevent anyone from trying to act a fool one last time).  Instead, skip graduation and get a jump start on the after party, or summer vacation, or just call it a day.

Well, perhaps it is worth reconsidering that last option, tempting as it may be, and don the cap and gown along with your classmates.  It is important, though not nescesary, to participate in this last educational rite of passage, to participate in your graduation ceremony.  To be with your classmates one last time and share what could become that last good-bye. To walk onto that stage, have your name be called out-loud, and be presented with that sheepskin.  To have a chance to share this moment with your loved ones and thank them for all they have done to help you achieve this moment.

This is way it is important to participate in graduation ceremonies.  To have an event that will bring both closure and conclution to what has been a long journey along our educational path.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2016.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To the Class of 2016

Let me begin by saying to you Congratulations!

Each one of you has completed the requirements needed to be known as graduates of the class of 2016.

Each one of you has taken a unique path to reach this point in time where you stand with your classmates.

Each one of you has reached a great academic achievement.

Once again, Congratulations.

We should also thank those who have helped us along our way through the path we have taken.

Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Coaches, Counselors, Administrators, Support Staff, and all other Educators who have had a significant impact in helping the Class of 2016 reach this incredible honor.

To you, Class of 2016, I have but four things to say:

Be Good.

Be Nice.

Be Smart.

Be Humble.

Congratulations Class of 2016!!!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2016.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 2016

The 2015-16 school year has reached its last full month.

May is the last full month of school left this year, a journey that began back in September of last year.

Students have been learning in their classrooms from their teachers for almost a whole year.

Soon, it will be time to assess the growth and progress of the education they've received.

On this day, MRCR Education joins those showing their support for all educatiors on #TeacherAppreciationDay.

We would like to thank and recognize teachers each and every day, and today, we show that appreciation by saying: "Thank You Teachers".

As we begin preparations for the Class of 2016 and their graduation, promotion, or other form of advancement, it is worth taking the time to do a school year assessment of education in our learning, studies, and teachings.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2016.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.