Thursday, January 28, 2021

January 2021



A new year has begun and with it a sense of renewal, renovation, a feeling of closure on what was one of the most challenging and difficult years affecting everyone across the world.

No doubt the effects of 2020 will dissipate into 2021.  I hope it is possible for the world, as a whole, to be better prepared to meet the adversities of the year that was.


It is imperative that changes be made and implemented as the new year begins rather that continue on with policies that were implemented as emergency measures and temporary fixes.

Education must take the lead as it is such a fundamental part of how communities function and operate.

Education is the original social network.

With an array of established networks education helps societies navigate through uncertain times and ensure that students and their families: have access to communication, receive instruction, develop knowledge, refine skills, and build confidence.


How should schools go about with the implementation of such new changes?  Should schools impose drastic changes immediately?  Should schools gradually implement new measures? Perhaps a combination of both?

What ever approach the school decides to implement, the first step should always be planning.

Create a school reopening transition plan that incorporates the latest safety measures and adapts to many possible changes.  Communicate clearly the intent of the plan and how it will be implemented, assign roles and responsibilities, provide support for all staff members, and maintain the student's education the guiding beacon.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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