Honoring the events of the month.
Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2022. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
Honoring the events of the month.
Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2022. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
We are approaching the second anniversary of the COVID outbreak it is clear that COVID, and all its variants, will be a part of our lives from now on.
Education has taken a significant hit as student growth, particularly in the lower grade levels, has declined or remained stagnant. Schools will have to get students most affected caught up with their classmates, a process that will be long term and require identification and intervention.
So far we have seen a variety of strands, each with their own properties as far as infection rate and symptoms, and the effect they have had in education. Students and teachers have missed class time while isolating or recuperating.
This will continue to be the norm for the foreseeable future and schools must remain alert while creating contingency plans for instruction loss.
It will be our ability to adapt to COVID that will help us truly overcome what has been the most disruptive disease of the 21st century thus far.
We are going to be living with COVID, but we will adapt and persevere.
It is in our human nature to do so.
Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2022. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.