Monday, February 27, 2023

Transition to Completion

What is an effective way to transition from planning and implementation to completion of a project?  Which roadblocks will attempt to stand in the way to reaching completion?  How does the transition process look like?  These are the questions that will be addressed in this post.

Effective Transition

-Your team has planned and implemented a new program and now it is time to have it reach a conclusion.  It is now time to collect and analyze data from students for the purpose of ensuring that the goals of the project are being achieved.  How will the data reflect the success of the goals that were set?  What is the measure of success?  Data holds a project accountable, and also illustrates areas where improvement is needed.


-How will the data be collected and interpreted?  What standard will be used to measure success, failure, or inconclusiveness?  If something beyond our control takes place will the project collapse, readjust, or have the plasticity to adapt to a new environment?  Was there something that was overlooked during the planning and implementation phase of the project?

Transition Process

-Who will lead the transition process and how will it be implemented?  Leadership requires experience, guidance, patience, and discipline to succeed.  The team should select someone who meets these criteria and will have the support of the team.  It will require time to transition in addition to a concrete plan that is feasible and measurable.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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