Friday, March 31, 2023

Change and Adaptation in Education


It has become quite clear so far this decade that change in education can take place almost instantaneously, and in order to ensure educational success adaptation must also match the rate of change. 

COVID clearly demonstrated this as it lead to schools shutting down, followed by remote and distant learning, and a return to in-classroom instruction.  Change took place swiftly and quick at an unprecedented scale.  Adaptation, on the other hand, was unable to match the rate of change and the result has been a learning loss that may not be able to be completely recovered.

Change does not have to be so extreme, but it can take on many forms: A new student in the classroom, an old teacher leaving school, administrators transferring into new positions, etc.

Adaptation can be most successful when values are shared and cherished rather than imposed or demanded.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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