Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Negative Experiences Througout Education

"Negative Experiences Throughout Education"

By: Manuel R. CortezRodas

A student with a Negative Past Educational Experience (NPEE) is presently experiencing an event that has the effect of resulting in a Negative Future Educational Experience (NFEE).  This results in the unreached potential of the student in their educational path.  A student who had a negative past educational experience, because of today's events in their education, will continue having negative future educational experiences.  What took place today (or did not take place) that causes the student not to achieve a positive educational experience? A few of the possible explanations for this event taking place are:
  • The student is bullied by a classmate or classmates.
  • The student's teacher is inexperienced and/or lacks training.
  • The student's learning challenges have not been identified.

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