Tuesday, February 5, 2013

STEAM Education Introduction

What is STEAM Education?

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas

The theme for the month of February at MRCR Education is STEAM Education.  This is a theme that has been addressed on the blog before, and at the end of this post there is a list of links to prior postings on this theme.  MRCR Education encourages all to further research this theme as it can be beneficial to those taking part in education.

STEAM Education is composed of five strands: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics.  Each of the strands represents a cornerstone upon which education is founded.  STEAM education is a pentagonal approach to education that is beneficial for those who participate in it.

Interconnecting Strands
STEAM Education draws strength in the interconnecting of the five strands that define it.  Only by interconnecting the strands of STEAM education, can we build a foundation, that is strong enough to support a successful education.  To develop successful STEAM education, a plan that interconnects the strands that make up STEAM education must be developed.

STEAM Education depends on the collaboration of all who participate in it.  Just as the strands must be interconnected, so must the participants be willing to work in collaboration with each other.  Collaboration allows for STEAM education to grow and expand so that others can learn and become involved in it.

STEAM Education is beneficial to those who are taking part in education.  MRCR Education believes that STEAM Education is good and can be beneficial.  STEAM Education is worth pursuing, and should be pursued by educators, so that it may share its benefits with the community in the future.

Prior Posts on STEAM Education:

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