Thursday, February 7, 2013

STEAM Education Introduction (Part 2)

Why is STEAM Education Important?

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas

Becoming educated in STEAM is important for our students and our future.  STEAM Education is important because it can benefit students, teachers, schools and communities.  By becoming educated in STEAM, our students can become prepared to face futures challenges that may cross their path.  STEAM Education allows our students to diverse their way of thinking by developing a learning style based on multiple subjects that are interconnected.

STEAM Education can benefit our students.  Because it is based on a 5 strand education base, it requires that students develop the ability to each and all strands both individually and collectively.  The student should be able to meet a challenge with a diverse array of tools that will help them build the necessary solutions to those challenges.  Teachers benefit from STEAM Education by having the ability to collaborate in the presentation of education to students.  STEAM education encourages teachers to share knowledge in order for it to be presented to students.

The benefit to schools and communities from STEAM Education shows on the preparation for future challenges and adversities that could be faced by both.  Both schools and communities who develop a strong foundation on the strands of STEAM education demonstrate a level of readiness that allows them to weather difficulties as well as raise the level of awareness in case those difficulties arrive.

The importance of STEAM Education to the future of our schools and communities becomes clear when we become aware that it is our students who will have to face, live, and solve the challenges that lie ahead.  STEAM Education is important because it is beneficial for all who are involved in and participate in education.

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