Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hike Up

Hiking Up

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas

We have sprung into action, seek council, set goals, done path planning, and now it is time to hike up, toward our goal and back.  It is now time to take our place on the road.  It is now time to begin our journey toward that educational goal that we have set and plan to reach.  It is now time to take action, and hike.

As we hike we can begin to see if the path we have planned is  clear and defined.  We can begin to see how good our road-map is.  It is now when the obstacles and challenges that we have and have not prepared for may appear.  We must do what we can to continue hiking up to our goal.

One last chance is presented to us just prior to setting off on a hike.  Do we go?  If we are ready, and we are sure, and we are confident that we have done all that we can to prepare, then we should go on with our hike and toward our goal.

Did we reach our goal?  Were we able to succeed in reaching the goals that we set and planned?  and if we did not, what can we do to reach our goal? do we need to seek more council? do we need to plan another path? As we go on with our hike, these are some of the concerns that we must maintain in mind.  There are many others that we may come across, and some that we cannot anticipate to accurately predict in the future.  But we must hike up to our goal, even if we need to stop.

If we were able to reach our goal, then we must also be able to return back safely to our place of origin, this will consist a successful hike.  We now evaluate our hike and learn from it.  We can now decide if the hike was indeed successful.  Was the hike a good path to reach our goal?  How was our hike? We learn from each individual experience, the experience of the whole, and what we learn, we share again in council, a council in which we can also decide if we are going to hike again, and if so, when.

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