Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Educational Training Implementation 2

For teachers and schools who would like to implement an educational training program, for their students, MRCR Education presents the following 8-step guide for Educational Training Implementation (E.T.I.)

This is a guide which teachers and schools could use to implement an educational training program.  It is a general guide that can be accommodated to meet established goals and needs of the program.

MRCR Education 8-Step Guide for Educational Training Implementation

1) Create a Team.
2) Define Educational Training.
3) Develop a Model.
4) Clarify Steps.
5) Address Concerns.
6) Plan Implementation Timetable.
7) Apply to a Selected Sample.
8) Evaluate, Grow, and Reapply.

Teachers and schools that implement educational training programs will provide students with an additional opportunity to obtain support and assistance with their education.  This support and assistance can allow the student to: pursuit further education, grow in a particular subject, review prior education, establish roots in a field or career.

Educational training programs can be implemented in schools and classrooms as a concurrent complement to the academic curriculum, or as an addition to it.  Educational training programs are most effective when created to be low cost, high yield, and long term.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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