To successfully implement an educational training program in the classroom, at school, or for home, the following eight steps to follow are recommended for educators to use:
1) Create an E.T.I. Team
Ask colleges for help, and to participate, in implementing educational training, for students, at an appropriate education level.
2) Define Educational Training
The E.T.I. team should then define educational training. What is their vision of it? What is the purpose for implementing it?
3) Develop a Model
Using the E.T.I. team's definition of educational training as the foundation, develop a model that serves as a reference and guide for all the participants.
4) Clarify Steps
Clearly define the steps needed to fully implement educational training, and who is to be accountable for implementing them.
5) Address Concerns
The E.T.I team should hold an advisory council to address any concerns, or worries, that participants may have, prior to implementation.
6) Plan Implementation Timetable
The E.T.I. team must plan an implementation timetable that will hold them accountable for reaching the steps set for implementation.
7) Apply to a Group
Select a group with whom the E.T.I team can evaluate the model created, and its success on the group to which it was implemented on.
8) Growth and Reimplementation
The E.T.I team can then use their evaluation of the model created to grow the educational training program by implementing it to a larger sample.
With these eight steps a group of dedicated educators can successfully implement educational training in the classroom, at their school, or for the home. Educational Training can provide a beneficial support for students, who are in need of help, to meet education standards, and for those who would like advanced challenge for their education.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator