Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March 2022


As March marches on it is time to spring forward and look towards the end of the school year with the class of 22 gearing up towards graduation.  It has been a tough and challenging past two years for them, and they will continue to need our support for years to come, but they have done their best to face and endure the challenge before them.

It is also a time to take pause and rest during Spring Break in order to prepare for the final stretch of the school year, while remaining cautious of COVID variants.

Educators should also develop plans for the Summer break that help students who are at risk of falling behind so they can be better prepared when returning for next school year. 

As always, to all educators, students, and parents, continue doing a great job while supporting each other become better educated.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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