Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Applications for Non-School Time

"Applications for Non-School Time"

By: Manuel R. CortezRodas

What is one to do during non-school time?  Well, that would depend on the role we have in school.  A student may want to engage with family and friends, volunteer or work, attend to personal responsibilities they have chosen or have been assigned for them to accomplish.  Students should apply non-school time toward the development of their own lives so they may appreciate personal and private time.  Teachers and administrators should also apply non-school time in similar manner to that mentioned for students.  They should not, however, use this time to grade papers, work on curriculum, or attend meetings, as these should be regarded as school time activities.  The applications for non-school time are varied, but must have one thing in common; they should not be a continuation of the time we spend in school.

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