Monday, October 29, 2012

Language & Communication

"Language & Communication"


Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas

What is language development?
Language Development is a combined balance of skills that we acquire in order to better express our thoughts into expressions of clarity.  The skills needed to develop a language are: Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Communication.  Each of these skills can be learned and developed individually, but must be learn at a concurrent level to maximize the clarity of expression in the language.

How is language developed?
Language is developed when a person acquires enough of the skills needed.  From the time we are born we begin to interact with those around us to the best of our abilities.  We hear sounds and try to duplicate them.  We see images and visual clues, and we begin connecting sounds that are associated with them.  As we grow and our skill develops, we begin to understand the connection between what we want to express, and how we can let those around us know.  We hear, listen, and begin to speak.  We practice copying signs and symbols to represent the sounds we hear, and when we see these identify them as audible sounds.

Why is language development important?
Language development is important to us as a society because it allows us to express thoughts and ideas.  We develop communication skills by transitioning from hearing to listening to exchanging ideas by audible sounds, written words, or developing visual clues.  Without language development a society cannot function, for they would not be able to understand each others needs, how to help each other, or how to store and pass information to other generations so they may learn from our experiences.

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