Thursday, October 23, 2014

Education Implementation Design

Implementation is an instrument which can be used in education to facilitate a learner's development of essential skills and knowledge.  To be able to design education implementation it is necessary to address the following questions:

1) What is going to be implemented?
2) How much time does it take to implement?
3) Who is leading the implementation?
4) How will implementation happen?
5) What is needed for successful implementation?
6) Where will implementation take place?

With these questions taken into consideration, the task of designing can begin.  To examine how each of these elements can be applied to implementation in education, let us take a closer look at each one.

Clearly define the expected outcome of the implementation to be designed.  Include details, requirements, application, and acknowledgment.

Plan ahead and coordinate all the resources which are available at your disposal.  Time management is a key to success.

Assign responsibilities to those who are participating in the implementation process and ensure that they accomplish them.
Work together as a team toward the accomplishment of implementation.  Communication and cooperation are key.
Make a list of what is available and what is needed.  These can be items such as funding, supplies, commitment, infrastructure, research, training, partnerships, etc.
A positive learning environment in which students thrive and learning takes place should be created as part of the implementation design.

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

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