Educators are creative. Educators are designers. In education it is necessary that educators implement the creative designs they prepare to facilitate a student's learning process. This creative design, which educators are trying to implement, is the end result of an arduous process, which may begin with the needs of one student, and end as a learning experience for the school as a whole.
It has been discussed in two previous posts "Education Implementation Design" and "How to Implement in Education" how to implement and how to design in education. These two skills can now be combined so they may be used as an application instrument in the classroom. Application can take the form of a project, student task, class assignment, field trip, and research, just to name a few of the many forms this instrument can take.
Through the application of an educator's creative design, students can become actively engaged in learning various subjects, standards, concepts, and ideas. Educators can design how to implement, in their classroom, from fundamental concepts to complex processes. This is how a Limited English Proficient student can participate in an advance science class, or an athlete can connect on field performance towards a statistical portfolio.
The application of education implementation design completes the creative process which educators create. It is during the application of education implementation design that students can benefit by making connections which lead to a clear understanding and further learning which can be pursued for life.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
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