Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Starting the Year (Part 1)

6 Months to Summer

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas

We have now started a new year.  Time has not stood still or taken a pause, it has just reached a measuring marker.  Educators live in two distinct timelines: The Yearly Calendar (January to December) and The School Calendar (August to July).  As educators we must maintain a balance between the two if we are to keep a timely educational schedule for our students.

January marks for most educators the halfway mark of the school year.  It also serves as a reminder that we are within 6 months of closing  the school year, and preparing the current classroom of students to meet the grade level requirements needed by them to advance into the next grade level.

January serves as a reminder, to us in education, that we are 6 months away from summer.  Although it may be the beginning of a new year, in education the school calendar will soon mark the halfway point.  This second half will be marked by finals, projects, and makeup work (for those who are not up to grade level), in addition to any local, state, or other standardized testing that is either mandated or required of students to take.

As we start this new year, let us keep in mind that in education, the beginning of this new year, is the beginning of the culmination for the current school year.  Our students will be graduating and advancing toward their next educational step, and we are the ones who will help to guide them so they achieve this culmination successfully and responsibly. 

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