Education Plan Presentation
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas
A good education plan should begin with a brainstorm. A brainstorm allows the brain to storm thoughts and ideas. While these thoughts and ideas are storming out of our brain, we must also keep present in mind, that the brainstorming of an education plan will directly affect students, and we must shelter them from any hazards that may appear. Following the brainstorm of the education plan is the presentation.
Developing the presentation of an education plan takes three stages: Time, Place, and Communication. These three stages establish the parameters that we need to present the education plan not only to our students, but also to ourselves and others whose guidance can help us in the creation of an education plan.
How much time can we allocate to the presentation of an education plan? Is the plan being created for a 30 minute lesson, for a 5-day week with 1 hour each day? Is this a month or year long plan? Will the plan be implemented tomorrow, next week, in a month, or the following year?
Where is the education plan taking place? Are we limited to the classroom? Can we go on a field trip? Do the school facilities contain the necessary locations and accommodations for the education plan that we are going to create?
Upon knowing how much time we have, we now need a place where the plan that we are presenting can be implemented and executed. The second stage of presenting an education plan is finding a location that is suitable.
The third stage in an education plan presentation is communication. How do we communicate what we want to present in our education plan? Will this be a reading or a lecture? Are notes going to be taken or will there be question/answer interaction? Do we create or project audio/visual aids that enhance the effectiveness of communicating the presentation?
Communicating, in the allocated time, at the place where we are presenting our education plan, is the final stage, in the presentation of an educational plan, that is being created.
The presentation of an education plan serves the purpose of creating a method of communication. With the ability to communicate and present the brainstorm of an education plan, we have gotten closer to completing the creation of a good education plan. By now, our education plan has weathered the brainstorm of ideas, both good and bad, and has a method by which it can be communicated to others. This is only the start to the creation of an education plan. Now comes the structure and composition to complete the creation of our education plan.
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