Friday, January 4, 2013

Starting the Year (Part 2)

Classroom Status

Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas

As noted previously, educators have 6 months from now until Year-End's graduation.  A large portion of this time will be taking place in our schools and classrooms.  Educators not only need to take the time to map out and plan the next 6 months, but also need to take the time to review the status of the classroom.  After all, this is the place where we, and our students, will be spending a large portion of our education time.

  • Structure
  1. Take a tour of your own classroom.
  2. How does it look on the first day of the year?  
  3. How did it look on the first day of school?
  4. How can the classroom be improved?
  • Weather
  1. From the cold of winter to the heat of summer.
  2. Check for heating during winter and cooling for summer.
  3. Can students be comfortable indoors during bad weather.
  • Lighting
  1. Sunlight continues to increase as we move toward summer.
  2. Indoor lighting should be adequate for visual reception.
  3. Spring should remind us with its equinox that outdoors and indoors are equal.
  • Basic Supplies
  1. Paper and pencil are still the most basic supplies needed for education.
  2. Pens and colors provide a new dimension of professionalism and art.
  3. Boards, both writing and bulletin.   They provide communication.

Educators will spend the next 6 months in their classrooms.  As we begin the new year, and prepare to get back into these places of learning, let us take a look at our classroom status, to ensure that these places of learning have all that is needed, from the basics like pencils and paper, to the advanced like LCD projectors and climate control.  We should request the supplies that are needed, replenish the ones we have exhausted, and share with others the surpluses we won't need.  Let us prepare the place where we will spend our time learning.

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