From MRCR Education, and thank you for what you do as educators.
Sincerely: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator.
Copyright 2014. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
MRCR Education has dedicated the month of October to the theme of education implementation. Three posts have address definition, design, and the how to of implementation in education. Implementation can be a very useful instrument for educators to have, as it can facilitate the solution of challenges in education, for implementation can be adapted to meet the specifications of what is being faced.
Implementation is a process which requires as many steps as needed to solve a particular problem. This being said, the process of implementation begins with a primary step: Identification of an educational problem. A lack of proficiency in a subgroup, low educational success by a student, the need for faculty to be better prepared, are just three examples of problems that can be identified and solved through education implementation. It is key to begin with the identification of the problem (or problems) so that this may be reviewed, researched, and discussed by those who will take part in solving this issue.
With the primary problem identified, and the need to resolve it clearly stated, it is now time for leaders in education to gather together and design a solution. How is this problem going to be solved? What is needed to succeed? Who is responsible for seeing the success of the implementation? Some of the answers to these questions can take the form of after-school programs, community outreach & involvement, tutoring, mentoring, establishment of a council or group, delegation of responsibilities to local educational leaders, and selecting a measure for success. This is the secondary step of implementation design.
Upon completion of implementation design, and with the approval of those who participated, the final step of education implementation can be executed. This final step is the actual action of carrying out the planed implementation and ensuring the success of it. From here on, it is up to the education community to continue implementation to its fullest, and proceed with all requirements such as accountability, maintenance, prioritization.
Education implementation takes time, requires leadership, needs support, resources, and commitment if it is to succeed. Education implementation is an instrument of precision which educators should learn to develop and apply at all levels of education, from solving individual student needs, to addressing the needs of future classes of graduates.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2014. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
Educators are creative. Educators are designers. In education it is necessary that educators implement the creative designs they prepare to facilitate a student's learning process. This creative design, which educators are trying to implement, is the end result of an arduous process, which may begin with the needs of one student, and end as a learning experience for the school as a whole.
It has been discussed in two previous posts "Education Implementation Design" and "How to Implement in Education" how to implement and how to design in education. These two skills can now be combined so they may be used as an application instrument in the classroom. Application can take the form of a project, student task, class assignment, field trip, and research, just to name a few of the many forms this instrument can take.
Through the application of an educator's creative design, students can become actively engaged in learning various subjects, standards, concepts, and ideas. Educators can design how to implement, in their classroom, from fundamental concepts to complex processes. This is how a Limited English Proficient student can participate in an advance science class, or an athlete can connect on field performance towards a statistical portfolio.
The application of education implementation design completes the creative process which educators create. It is during the application of education implementation design that students can benefit by making connections which lead to a clear understanding and further learning which can be pursued for life.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2014. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
Implementation is an instrument which can be used in education to facilitate a learner's development of essential skills and knowledge. To be able to design education implementation it is necessary to address the following questions:
1) What is going to be implemented?
2) How much time does it take to implement?
3) Who is leading the implementation?
4) How will implementation happen?
5) What is needed for successful implementation?
6) Where will implementation take place?
With these questions taken into consideration, the task of designing can begin. To examine how each of these elements can be applied to implementation in education, let us take a closer look at each one.
Clearly define the expected outcome of the implementation to be designed. Include details, requirements, application, and acknowledgment.
Plan ahead and coordinate all the resources which are available at your disposal. Time management is a key to success.
Assign responsibilities to those who are participating in the implementation process and ensure that they accomplish them.
Work together as a team toward the accomplishment of implementation. Communication and cooperation are key.
Make a list of what is available and what is needed. These can be items such as funding, supplies, commitment, infrastructure, research, training, partnerships, etc.
A positive learning environment in which students thrive and learning takes place should be created as part of the implementation design.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2014. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
A 4 Step Guide to Implementation
- STEP 1 : Purpose (Why implement? Benefits?)
- STEP 2 : Action (Planning, Practicing, Preparing for Implementation)
- STEP 3 : Readiness (Implementation Simulation & Trial Runs)
- STEP 4 : Implement (Execution, Analysis, Maintenance, Security)
To properly implement an idea, a program, or a standard in education, purpose must be establish from the beginning. Purpose is achieved by answering two questions: Why should implementation take place? What are the benefits to education?
With a purpose established and in place, it is now time for action. This comes in the form of planning, practicing, and preparing for the implementation that is to take effect.
Purpose and Action lead toward readiness, where simulations and trial runs test the functionality of the standard, program, or educational concept soon to be implemented. Readiness is the step prior to complete and full implementation, and allows for the opportunity to strenghten and reinforce that which now goes into the final step of implementation.
It is when we implement that execution, analysis, maintenance, and security can help ensure success in accomplishing implementation in education.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2014. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
Education is a process by which skills and knowledge can be acquired. For many of us education brings images and memories of going to school where classes are attended, and pending on the level of success achieved, if it is satisfactory, proceed to a further level class on specific subject matter, or begin to apply what we know and what we can do toward a career, job, or hobby which is of interest or benefit for us.
If education is the process by which we acquire knowledge and skills, then implementation is the design of this process. Education implementation is the designed pathway by which we can become educated. While the education process takes us from uneducated to educated, its implementation requires that a path be created from the initial steps of education to the final goal we set. Implementation fill in the gaps of ignorance by introducing, in stages, that which is required to achieve understanding.
Education implementation provides a guided roadmap which can be followed so that successful completion of educational goals is achieved. This is done with the support and guidance of those who have trail blazed their own path by pioneering a new and unique route, or have had success in traveling existing roads.
How education is implemented is entirely up to us. We are only limited by the resources which are available and the creativity of our imagination. Throughout most of our childhoods, the education implementation path which we take is that of going from Kindergarten to 12th grade where, for most of us, the path comes to an end as we become graduates. It is through implementation that many common obstacles can be resolved. If it is desinged correctly, education implementation can create a path that over time, if maintained and cared for, can become a road or highway for many to travel.
The more educational paths we developed, and the more we interconnect them, the greater the chance of success in reaching the educational goals which we set for ourselves. By interconnecting the many paths we create, we allow for a diverse range of unique pathways which individuals can embark upon as they undergo the process of becoming educated.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2014. MRCR Eductional Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.
This month of October the theme is Education Implementation. To address this theme requires that education implementation be defined. How to define education implementation can become quite the challenge when taking into account the diverse range of skills and knowledge that education covers. Not only does education cover a diverse range of skills and knowledge, but it also covers a large array of levels, ages, and purposes. This is also why education implementation is best defined with a specific set of parameters that must be accomplished in order for implementation to succeed. Throughout the month of October, MRCR Education is going to be presenting a series of post through the blog that address Education Implementation. Please join by sharing your views on school implementation.
Author: Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator
Copyright 2014. MRCR Educational Consulting Firm. All Rights Reserved.